Who We Are

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Coby Resnick


Coby is an award-winning visual storyteller with a wealth of expertise in travel content. His passion is bringing untold stories to life through filmmaking. Over seven years of video production, Coby has gained an understanding of the market and a passion for helping his clients reach their goals. At Econic, Coby works closely with clients to produce result-driven and impactful work that inspires viewers to explore the world around them.

Yanni Economos


Yanni is a creative director with a passion for travel and an unwavering commitment to capturing the essence of a destination through visual storytelling. With over four years of experience in video production, Yanni has a track record of creating memorable and impactful work for his clients. At Econic, Yanni works closely with the creative team to deliver stunning and imaginative content that inspires viewers to explore new destinations.

We're No Strangers to Travel

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